MySql Pwd...please help
Posted by: A-User (
Date: September 19, 2006 06:26PM

Hi there,

I am a beginner for Mysql. I have wamp 5 installed on windows 2000 and it is working fine. I already have my project done in php using mysql db but need to configure it because the project was done in skool and I had no php nor mysql installed at my home computer.
The problem I have is to change the pwd for mysql but ...everytime I am stuck at some point.

So far what I have tried is

I have my root pwd that I am okie with.
When I run the mysql console... I get
Enter root pwd: <entered>
mysql> ' I need to have a password here '

but everytime I try to set a pwd, it sets a pwd and dunno what happens....

I followed the link given in one of the other forum


which was quite helpful to change root's pwd ......upto step:3> is fine but step:4> I get error : When I restart the services from wamp icon ...and PhpMyAdmin ... it says ' Page Cannot Display'

Thanks in Advance !!

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