Installing pear db
Posted by: lemrin (
Date: August 27, 2006 04:57PM

I've been searching the Internet all day trying to find what I'm doing wrong here. I want to install pear db. I have ran the pear installer from the command line then installed the db library. After this, I have done a require_once(db.php) and get the following:-

"Warning: dir(DB Error: extension not found) [function.dir]: failed to open dir: Invalid "

This is really doing my head in. I remember I had the same problem last year and I sorted it but I remember finding the steps took ages to do. I added the webpage I used to my faves back then but have suffered a system crash since and lost the webpage plus my old wamp/pear db installations. Is there a step by step guide somewhere that I haven't been able to find or can anybody please advise me what to do next?

Thanks in anticipation of somebody putting me out of my misery.

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Re: Installing pear db
Posted by: lemrin (
Date: August 27, 2006 05:39PM

Ahhh no matter. I've sussed it. Spent 3 days puzzling over this then as soon as I ask for help I figure it out 10 minutes later.

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Re: Installing pear db
Posted by: yfastud (
Date: August 27, 2006 09:04PM

So what's the solution?

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Re: Installing pear db
Posted by: lemrin (
Date: August 27, 2006 09:28PM

The include_path directives in my php.ini file weren't set right. When I looked at it they looked right but the reason for this was because I was looking at the incorrect php.ini. There were 2 on my machine and the one I was working with wasn't the right one. I just stumbled over it when I did a phpinfo() and it dawned on me. A really silly mistake to have made but now that I've sussed it I remember that was also what happened last year.

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