INCLUDE problem
Posted by: gulliver (
Date: August 21, 2006 09:08AM

hi to all WAMP users,

its a great software i must say, but i have a problem. my firts prob with WAMP ever. i have 2 new computers, just WIN XP and WAMP5 installed. 1st is P4 32bit 2nd AMD 64bit. in that 64bit, INCLUDED files in PHP dont work and i dont know why. WAMP is correctly installed the same way as in P4 32bit and theres no problem. is that because of 64bit or is it something else? i tried to use older versions but still doesnt work sad smiley

thank u for your help,
regards, Paul

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Re: INCLUDE problem
Posted by: CyberSpatium (67.170.181.---)
Date: August 22, 2006 12:44AM

I am running wamp with AMDx64 w/ windows xp home with no problems.

are you using a 64bit version of windows?

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