Re: #1130 - Host 'localhost' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server
Posted by:
Date: August 10, 2006 09:01AM
1. Set password in Privilleges in phpMyAdmin from your Browser/Localhost.
Goto: localhost/phpmyadmin/
click on "Privileges" link
click on "edit Privileges" link for ROOT user
and set-up your password (change password) and click go
i can't access phpMyAdmin, it automatically blocks my access
2. Set password in in /wamp/phpmyadmin.
Find and put your password in this line:
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = 'Your_new_password_here'; // MySQL password (only
I've tried doing this.... but my problem is the "localhost" is the one that cannot access, even if i changed it to new password.
3. after the </directory> line above add the following:
<Directory "C:/Internet/wamp/www/phpmyadmin">
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from
<Directory "C:/Internet/wamp/www/sqlitemanager">
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from
4. change location of the directories as your might be different from "C:/Internet/wamp/www/phpmyadmin"
Also in Alias folder (/wamp/Apache2/conf/alias), replace these lines in phpmyadmin.conf and splitemanager.conf:
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
By these lines:
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from
I've done this also.... but no help...localhost denied access