another newbie question
Posted by: tjrac (
Date: July 26, 2006 02:59AM

OK, so I downloaded wamp and installed it on my local box running xpPro. I downloaded an open source job costing app from [] and put it in the www folder. When I launch localhost and choose the "jobcost" project I get the following in the browser:

admin = $admin; //loading the config $tmp_config = new CConfig($xml); $_CONF = $tmp_config->vars["config"]; //loading the templates if ($this->admin) { if (is_array($_CONF["templates"]["admin"])) { foreach ($_CONF["templates"]["admin"] as $key => $val) { if ($key != "path"winking smiley $this->templates[$key] = new CTemplate($_CONF["templates"]["admin"]["path"] . $_CONF["templates"]["admin"][$key]); } } } else { if (is_array($_CONF["templates"])) { foreach ($_CONF["templates"] as $key => $val) { if (($key != "path" ) && ($key != "admin"winking smiley) $this->templates[$key] = new CTemplate($_CONF["templates"]["path"] . $_CONF["templates"][$key]); } } } $base = new CBase(); $base->html = new CHtml(); $this->html = &$base->html; //make a connection to db if (is_array($_CONF["database"])) { $this->db = new CDatabase($_CONF["database"]); //vars only if needed if ($_CONF["tables"]["vars"]) { $this->vars = new CVars($this->db , $_CONF["tables"]["vars"]); $base->vars = &$this->vars; } $this->tables = &$_CONF["tables"]; } } function TableFiller($item) { if (file_exists("pb_tf.php"winking smiley) { include("pb_tf.php"winking smiley; } } /** * description * * @param * * @return * * @access */ function Run() { global $_TSM; if (file_exists("pb_events.php"winking smiley) { include("pb_events.php"winking smiley; $_TSM["PB_EVENTS"] = @DoEvents(&$this); } if (is_object($this->templates["layout"])) { echo $this->templates["layout"]->Replace($_TSM); } } } ?>
Fatal error: Class 'CSite' not found in C:\wamp\www\jobcost\index.php on line 6

I setup the database, ran site.sql successfully, and changed the database section of the site.xml file appropriately (I think ...).

Can someone explain what is happeing?

Re: another newbie question
Posted by: CyberSpatium (67.170.181.---)
Date: July 26, 2006 10:48PM

this looks like an short ASP style tag issue. look at your php script. if the first line your php code looks like this


change it to

Re: another newbie question
Posted by: tjrac (
Date: July 26, 2006 11:37PM

One of the scripts did have the tag issue. I made the change and corrected a variable being defined twice. Now I just get a blank page rather than the login screen that I should be seeing. I'll keep plugging along. Thanks for the help!

Re: another newbie question
Posted by: CyberSpatium (67.170.181.---)
Date: July 27, 2006 04:35AM

open you php.ini file, and find:
short_open_tag = Off

change it to:
short_open_tag = On

save the file, and restart apache for the new setting to take effect. test your script again and see if it works.

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