OpenSSL 3.1.8 or Later Upgrade
Posted by: jjuarez (155.135.55.---)
Date: November 15, 2024 08:05PM

Thanks in advance for you response!

I have a question regarding OpenSSL. I was notified that version 3.1.7 has a security vulnerability and it's recommended to update to 3.1.8 or later version.

I took a look at the two resources that this forum shared last time ( or []) but it seems like there hasn't been an update past OpenSSL 3.1.7.

I was wondering if maybe you might have any insight on when a new version of Apache with a later version of OpenSSL will be available?


Note: I previous asked a similar question here (but in regards to upgrading to OpenSSL 3.1.7: []

Re: OpenSSL 3.1.8 or Later Upgrade
Posted by: Otomatic (Moderator)
Date: November 16, 2024 08:42AM


I have no idea when Apache Lounge will compile a new version of Apache with OpenSSL 3.1.8 or higher.

You can go there and ask your question as was done for 3.1.6 -> 3.1.7:

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