Hi Otimatic,
I always keep an eye on your excellent page at [
wampserver.aviatechno.net] and am quick to install all updates - I've been on WampServer 3.3.5 since the day it came out. I've just updated to 3.3.6, released today, but still can't find the option
Right-click -> Wamp settings -> Wampserver ready to support https.
Under Right-click -> Wamp settings, I see the following options:
Wamp settings
Alias sub-menu
Show Adminer in menu
Show www folder in menu
Allow MySQL (ticked)
Allow MariaDB (ticked)
Wampserver Homepage at startup
Backup hosts file
Allow scrolling of lists on home page
Wampserver browser
(Chrome selected in submenu)
Check Virtualhosts definitions
(submenu doesn't contain the https support option)
Wampserver settings for Apache
(submenu doesn't contain the https support option)
Automatic cleaning
(submenu doesn't contain the https support option)
Caution! Risky! Only for experts
(I'm not an expert but dared to look... the submenu doesn't contain the https support option).
Do I perhaps need to enable some Apache module before the https support option appears under Right-click -> Wamp Settings?
As for the "insecure download blocked" message: that occurs when I use Wampserver with Apache 2.4.61 but not if the Apache version is 2.4.59. I tested in Chrome and Firefox without changing any browser settings. Doesn't that indicate that the error message has to do with the Apache version rather than the browser?
Thanks for your help (and patience)!