The procedure for switching to HTTPS mode is the automation of :
How to activate https SSL in WampserverThe process for switching to HTTPS mode comes from reading the Apache documentation (see my signature) and various explanations in the ApacheLounge forums.
With this procedure, changing Apache version poses no problem, as you can copy configurations - httpd-vhosts.conf, openssl.cnf, httpd-ssl.conf, loaded modules, includes - from one Apache version to another. Of course, as long as you change Apache version via the Wampmanager menus.
I can't say any more about this, I'm not an Apache specialist, just a curious user.
I can just add that the templates for the various files or VirtualHost https are in the folder: wamp64\scripts\httpsFiles\
And, as I wrote :
Procedure compiled from comparisons and tests of various documentations and explanations including those of Artemus24 on its website [
For all intents and purposes, here's my own procedure for using https ssl locally.
This is an English translation from my French procedure, and there might be some misunderstandings.
It may not be the best method and there may be redundancies and/or extra stuff, but :
This procedure works and has been tried for Apache 2.4.37 to 2.4.57 in 64 bits
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Wampserver install files & addonsEdited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/08/2024 09:37AM by Otomatic.