The mandatory prerequisite is to have transferred WordPress to a VirtualHost, even locally!
- Modify the wp-config.php file to include the correct database connection information:
- Modify wp_options table to include local url for option_name and siteurl fields
You should have obtained this information from WordPress, not from Wampserver, which can't possibly know the transfer procedures for dozens of CMS and hundreds of WEB applications.
What's more, it won't change all the internal links, but since I'm in a good mood, here's an SQL script that should update everything:
# Change site URL
UPDATE wp_options
SET option_value = REPLACE(option_value, 'oldUrlSite', 'newUrlSite')
WHERE option_name = 'home'
OR option_name = 'siteurl';
# Changing GUID URLs
UPDATE wp_posts
SET guid = REPLACE (guid, 'oldUrlSite', 'newUrlSite');
# Change media URLs in articles and pages
UPDATE wp_posts
SET post_content = REPLACE (post_content, 'oldUrlSite', 'newUrlSite');
# Change meta data URL
UPDATE wp_postmeta
SET meta_value = REPLACE (meta_value, 'oldUrlSite', 'newUrlSite');
In addition to "oldUrlSite / newUrlSite", don't forget to transpose table headers, which aren't necessarily in "wp-" (it's even recommended that they aren't, for security reasons).
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