Joomlal installer index.php
Posted by: FuzMic (168.235.203.---)
Date: April 29, 2023 02:35PM

Hi helpful guys

At wampserver homepage we can create virtualhost which will then appear in httpd-vhosts.conf
Thus if we want to place all website to say D:/WWW/ the virtualhost name eg mylocal-website with path to d:/www/website will work.

The default documentRoot will be at "${INSTALL_DIR}/www" eg c:\wamp64/www.

My problem if I want to install a full package of Joomla via the Joomla Installer, i will use the following url 'http://localhost/jm4/installation/index.php' where jm4 MUST BE a subfolder eg c:\wamp64/wwww

My question is if i put the Joomla full package in subfolxer of D:/www, the localhost will not be able to run the index.php to run the Joomla Installer. Please help to fix this. Changing the documentRoot in httpd.conf will not work. Thank you.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/29/2023 02:40PM by FuzMic.

Re: Joomlal installer index.php
Posted by: Otomatic (Moderator)
Date: April 29, 2023 04:46PM

The VirtualHost MUST EXIST BEFORE the installation !!!!

> Changing the documentRoot in httpd.conf will not work.
One should NEVER CHANGE ANYTHING in httpd.conf

I'm going to get angry, all the explanations have existed for a long time, you just have to look a little bit.

And above all: When you don't know, you don't do, you ask how!

See :
The need for Virtual Host <- This is a link
Wampserver 3 - Create or add a VirtualHost <- This is a link
Why to create a VirtualHost BEFORE installing a CMS <- This is a link

Installation of Joomla but it is the same for almost all CMS including WordPress.

- 1 - Where will we install Joomla ?
The answer, with the VirtualHost, is anywhere!
Well, not quite:
- On a fixed hard disk
- No SDHD card or other
- No USB disk
- It is possible, but avoid network drives and NAS
- In a path without spaces or diacritical characters.

I chose a partition never used before for a VirtualHost, in this case the F partition:
- Create a folder of any name (of course without spaces!)
in this folder f:\joomla\ unzip the file previously downloaded, to obtain a set of the style :
and so on...
It takes "a while" since there are more than 8000 files!
Now that the folder exists and that the necessary files are present, we can proceed to the creation of the related VirtualHost.

- 2 - Creation of the VirtualHost
- Launch Wampserver
- Launch localhost
- From localhost, launch Tools, Add a VirtualHost
In the page Add a VirtualHost :
- In the box 'Name of the Virtual Host' put the name you want to assign to the Joomla site, for example :
- In the box 'Full path of the VirtualHost folder', of course, put the path of the folder created :

then click on the button 'Start creating the VirtualHost'.

It is indicated, among other things, that the files have been modified, the virtual host my-site-joomla.local has been created and for this to be taken into account, you must :
- Right-click Wampamanager icon -> Tools -> DNS Restart
so: do it
Again, this may take some time!

- Back to the home page
And there, O surprise, in the column Your VirtualHost, there is the name of the VirtualHost you just created:
so, we do not hesitate, we click on this name.

Documentation Apache - Documentation PHP - Documentation MySQL - Wampserver install files & addons

Re: Joomlal installer index.php
Posted by: FuzMic (168.235.203.---)
Date: April 29, 2023 05:21PM

Bro you may have missed my point. I have used virtual host with working joomla installation many cases.

My point is about index.php in installation folder just for a new installation eg Joomla v 4.2.9

Re: Joomlal installer index.php
Posted by: FuzMic (168.235.203.---)
Date: April 30, 2023 03:42AM

Let me rephrase my issue.
I want localhost to run index.php located in a subfolder 'installation' from a new joomla installation full package.
If i place the joomla package in the default www subfolder within eg C:/wamp64, the localhost will run it.
If i place joomla package in a customized location eg D:/sites, localhost can't act on the url 'localhost/installation/index.php'

Re: Joomlal installer index.php
Posted by: Otomatic (Moderator)
Date: April 30, 2023 10:04AM

> I want localhost to run index.php located in a subfolder 'installation

It's NO. localhost is 'http://localhost/' and it launches the Wampserver homepage and nothing else.

No files should be added in wamp(64)/www/, only folders for your VirtualHost.

And your VirtualHost are launched by 'http://ServerName/' !

Documentation Apache - Documentation PHP - Documentation MySQL - Wampserver install files & addons

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