Tray icon not clickable
Posted by: mehrdadr (91.133.186.---)
Date: April 18, 2023 10:38AM


I have installed wampserver as administrator on x64 machine.

I receive no error messages.

I have access to localhost with no message at the bottom.

I have access to phpMyAdmin.

wamp is istalled in C:\wamp64 NTFS format

antivirus eset.

I had wampserver3.0.6 installed on windows7x64 and everything was going well;

I mean, could easily click on wamp tray icon (right and left click) and use all parts of it.

Upgraded to wampserver3.3.0 and tray icon did not respond to click anymore.

Then decided to (or honestly had to decide to) change the Windows 7 (that lovely windows) to

installed all the visual studio redistributable packages that wampserver needs,

checked it with check_vcredist.exe file and got it's confirmation.

wampserver3.3.0 works, I have access to localhost, phpMyAdmin,

BUT tray icon do not respond on click, just

comments "WAMPSERVER-All services running".

Have searched every where specially this nice forum,

but have not found any solution for this problem.

Then came back to the old version (wampserver3.0.2) to so have a

clickable icon tray, and updated php and other parts one by one

(from This time the problem is the

updated parts does not appear on icon tray list of for example I have

installed php 7.4.33 but it does not appear in the php versions list.

and so for phpMyAdmin and so forth.

and I ask you:

Please help me to solve this frustrating problem.

Excuse me for long message.

Thank you.

Re: Tray icon not clickable
Posted by: Otomatic (Moderator)
Date: April 18, 2023 11:16AM


Windows 7 has not been supported for over three years.

Try :
- Exit Wampserver
- Suppress all files from wamp64/logs/ and wamp64/tmp/ folders

Launch Wampserver

I am surprised that you were able to install PHP 7.4.33 on Wampserver 3.0.2. This version of PHP can only be installed on Wampserver 3.2.9 or higher.

Documentation Apache - Documentation PHP - Documentation MySQL - Wampserver install files & addons

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/18/2023 12:29PM by Otomatic.

Re: Tray icon not clickable
Posted by: mehrdadr (5.210.19.---)
Date: April 24, 2023 12:43PM

Thank you for your attention and help.

Excuse me; what does it mean to suppress a file?

Re: Tray icon not clickable
Posted by: Otomatic (Moderator)
Date: April 24, 2023 01:18PM

> Excuse me; what does it mean to suppress a file?

A big accumulation of files in the folders wamp64/logs/ and wamp64/tmp/ can be detrimental to the functioning of the automatic cleaning and thus does not allow a correct launching of Wampserver.
You have to delete the files by hand.

Documentation Apache - Documentation PHP - Documentation MySQL - Wampserver install files & addons

Re: Tray icon not clickable
Posted by: mehrdadr (204.18.37.---)
Date: April 24, 2023 05:30PM

I appreciate your swift reply.

I deleted those files in both logs and tmp folders before launching wampserver.

But the tray icon still have no response to click.

Re: Tray icon not clickable
Posted by: Otomatic (Moderator)
Date: April 24, 2023 05:47PM

Did you install and check all VC++ redistributables BEFORE installing Wampserver 3.3.0 ?

On Windows 10, Windows Defender (The native Windows antivirus) is sufficient and third party antiviruses (Eset, Avast, Kaspersky, etc.) can create problems.

Other than that and verifying that you (the Windows session) is one of the owners of the Wampserver installation folder with "Full Control", I don't see what to do or where to look for why the clicks aren't working.

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