Please be careful when answering peoples questions! There is more to it than just getting your website link on lots of pages.
Order allow,deny
Is Apache 2.2 syntax
require all granted
Is Apache 2.4 syntax.
These 2 have nothing to do with each other.
Using the 2 together will only cause Apache confusion and can in some cases cause actual issues. I suggest from now on, in fact for some time now, that you stick to Apache 2.4 syntax.
Apache 2.4 Syntax DocThe Apache 2.2 syntax only actually works in Apache 2.4 because this Apache module is loaded.
LoadModule access_compat_module modules/mod_access_compat.so
This has been the case since Apache 2.4 was released and was intended to allow us all time to move to the Apache 2.4 syntax without breaking millions of web sites as of day 1.
I would guess that at some point in the future that module will get removed/deprecated from the default httpd.conf file making only the valid Apache 2.4 syntax work.
You also need to be careful suggesting the use of `Require all Granted` as that gives access to the Universe. In this question the OP was interested in giving access to other computers/devices within their own network ONLY. So a much better solution would have been to suggest the use of a less dangerous configuration of
Require IP 192.168.0
This assumes of course that the OP's network is the usual SOHO router subnet and will give access to only that subnet. i.e. any ip address starting with `192.168.0`
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Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 04/17/2023 06:04PM by RiggsFolly.