pear.php file
Posted by: Flygis (
Date: June 19, 2006 09:09PM

I found a smtp script and I want to use it... anyway it need a PEAR.php file and I don't know where it should be or where I can get it?

When I'm trying to use the script I get the error:
Warning: require_once(PEAR.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\wamp\www\Mail.php on line 21

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'PEAR.php' (include_path='.;C:\wamp\php\PEAR') in C:\wamp\www\Mail.php on line 21

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Re: pear.php file
Posted by: CyberSpatium (67.170.181.---)
Date: June 24, 2006 04:58PM

I highly recommend you do not install an STMP server for WAMP. WAMP was designed for local testing and development with apache, mysql and php. it is obvious you are not an experienced system admin and would have no idea on how to secure your mail server. It won’t take long for the spam-bots to find your open and unsecure mail server they can use to send their spam from. They use this technique so it appears that you sent the spam, not them.

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Re: pear.php file
Posted by: MLongmire (
Date: July 18, 2006 07:02AM

This is the earliest post I can find that mentions a similar problem that I'm having, which is, failing to open a file using an include path of "c:\php5\pear", which is not the include path specified in PHP.INI. Here is an example of the failure which shows the incorrect path reference:

Warning: require_once(System.php): failed to open stream: No such file or direct
ory in C:\wamp\www\peartest.php on line 2

Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required 'System.php' (include_path=
'.;C:\php5\pear') in C:\wamp\www\peartest.php on line 2

I know that System.php is installled with PEAR, I was just using this failure to demonstrate the path problem. The real problem I'm having is that after installing PEAR:grinning smileyB_DataObject, I can't run the createTables.php script from the command line.

I uninstalled WAMPSERVER, PEAR and all modules, then reinstalled just WAMP, no PEAR.

Using this test script:

echo "ini_get('include_path')=".ini_get('include_path');

which I have called PHPTEST.PHP and copied into C:\WAMP\WWW, I get the following output:

from web browser(http://localhost/phptest.php):


from command promt(c:\wamp\www>php phptest.php):


I have searched registry values, environment settings, and all files that were installed by WAMP, but I can't find a reference to "php5\pear". My C:\WAMP\APACHE2\BIN\PHP.INI (which is the only PHP.INI file on my machine) has the following setting:


I am certain the the "register_globals" and "short_open_tag" INI settings (both are not recommended to use) are not part of the problem. This is not a production machine, just trying to setup a PHP development environment on my laptop.

Has anyone had this problem and resolved it?

Thanks for any help,

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Re: pear.php file
Posted by: yfastud (72.236.169.---)
Date: July 18, 2006 01:59PM

I'm still in testing process with hmailserver that has most things that need for mail server such as smtp, imap, pop3, webmail supported, remote access, so on, and of course, authentication can be setup, too. Check it out.
Hope this help,

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Re: pear.php file
Posted by: MLongmire (
Date: July 21, 2006 05:16PM

Copying PHP.INI from C:\Wamp\Apache2\Bin to C:\Windows temporarly fixes ths issue.

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