I complete my previous answer written via a Smarphone my PC being stopped around 7pm - France time.
The green ticks on the PHP extensions mean that a loading request is made by uncommenting, i.e. removing the ; at the beginning of the line related to the desired extension, for example
which will correspond to the loading of the file e:\wamp64\bin\php8.1.13\ext\php_mbstring.dll
But this does not mean that the extension is correctly loaded.
To check that the extensions are correctly loaded, you have to use PHP itself via the get_loaded_extensions statement, which is done by:
Left-click -> PHP -> Show PHP loaded extensions
which will show the extensions actually loaded for PHP used as an Aapche module (phpForApache.ini) and for PHP used in FCGI or CLI mode (php.ini)
Most PHP extensions ONLY require the loading of the related dll file but other extensions require additional actions and/or loads to work.
This is probably the case with APCu, which is why you should consult the related documentation
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