How does WAMP5 Work?
Posted by: Tsango (
Date: June 07, 2006 09:48AM

If I am working on a page in Dreamweaver and when you preview it, the files get coppied over to the c:\wamp\www to run? Firstly, is this what should happen? It seems to work ok. Can I specify another directory?

However, if I make changes to that page back in Dreamweaver then preview again, the changes are not reflected. It's like the new file has not been coppied over.

Then if I go into the www directory and delete the file and then back into Dreamweaver and preview again but still the old version of the page is displayed. Looking in the www directory I can now see that the new file has been coppied over so how can the old version of the page been shown?

I can not understand how it can still display the old version of the file even though I deleted that file and the new version has been coppied over.

Hope this makes some sense.

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Re: How does WAMP5 Work?
Posted by: Tsango (
Date: June 07, 2006 10:03AM

I have just noticed that if you run the page by clicking on the WAMP icon in the bottom right hand corner off the screen and then clicking on localhost the correct version of the page runs, so it looks like Dreamweaver is copying over the changes but tthe latest version isn't been run via the Dreamweaver method.

Post Edited (06-07-06 10:34)

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Re: How does WAMP5 Work?
Posted by: CyberSpatium (67.170.181.---)
Date: June 07, 2006 12:55PM

make sure you set dreamweaver to save files in your c:\wamp\www folder.

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Re: How does WAMP5 Work?
Posted by: Tsango (
Date: June 08, 2006 01:16PM

Do you mean just for testing or is it best to literaly run your whole project from the www folder?

That will cause problems if you are working on more than one development though wouldn't it.

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