Variables over URL
Posted by: 89 (
Date: May 24, 2006 11:32PM

I've tried this before, but cant remember where in the config the option is placed. I can't send variables over URL like page.php?page=frontpage without using $_POST OR $_GET - whatever. How do I enable this thing so I dont have to write $_POST[page] ?

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Re: Variables over URL
Posted by: CyberSpatium (67.170.181.---)
Date: May 25, 2006 03:08AM

this is because register globals for security reasons was set to disbled by default in the php.ini file by the PHP development community in PHP v4.2.3. Using $_POST['something'] may take a few seconds longer to code then just $something but is a more secure way to code and now the standard way of coding.

More on register globals

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