International date formats have been corrected with Aestan Tray Menu
The short date format yyyy.MM.dd is no longer a problem.
This corresponds to the registry key HKCU\Control Panel\International\sShortDate :
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International]
And it is seen in Windows -> Settings
- Time and language
-- Date, time and regional formatting
--- Date, time and additional regional settings
---- Change date, time or number formats
----- Date and time formats
------ Short Date
Of course, it is seen in French, but:
Date courte: aaaa.MM.jj is the French representation of Short date: yyyy.MM.dd
it works without any problem with Aestan Tray Menu which shows well in the About, Scheduler tab, the date formatted according to the chosen short format.
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