'.;C:\php5\pear' I cant make it work sad smiley
Posted by: Miha (---.net)
Date: April 13, 2006 03:30PM


I have problem with this error:
Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\php5\pear') in C:\wamp\www\trening\index.php on line 42

This script works normaly on my other server, so tere must be a problem in my wamp config files.
First i search this forum for similar problems and i found couple of soultions, but none had fix my problem.
I saw someone saying about setting register_globals to "on", well i did that.
Then i saw ppl tallking about installing pear, so i run go-pear and followed steps.
When installed i changed:
;include_path = ".;c:\php\includes"
include_path = ".;c:\wamp\php\pear" in php.ini

I restart service and try again, and i get the same error:

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '' for inclusion (include_path='.;c:\wamp\php\pear') in C:\wamp\www\trening\index.php on line 42

I dont know what i'am doing wrong.
Please help!!

Post Edited (04-13-06 15:31)

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Re: '.;C:\php5\pear' I cant make it work sad smiley
Posted by: Scaramouche (---.dynamic.brdterra.com.br)
Date: April 27, 2006 02:20AM

Hello, friend.

It forgives but my English is terrible. But I am with the same problem. You it obtained some solution? It located some forum that clarifies the problem?

"Warning: include(th_functions.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\wamp\www\openlusimed\core\main.php on line 28"

"Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening 'th_functions.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\php5\pear') in C:\wamp\www\openlusimed\core\main.php on line 28"

Cristiano Lopes
Curitiba - Brasil

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Re: '.;C:\php5\pear' I cant make it work sad smiley
Posted by: Michael (---.dsl.irvnca.sbcglobal.net)
Date: April 27, 2006 08:57AM

HI guys,

I have the same problem, It's been a headache for a week now.
Someone mentioned that he/she installed pear. Is there anything to do with that?

Also there was a post about turning globals on. Well I did and nothing has changed.

I have looked into several forums, but haven't found any comprehensive explaination.


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Re: '.;C:\php5\pear' I cant make it work sad smiley
Posted by: adamchy (---.net.my)
Date: January 24, 2007 05:15AM

Hello Freind,

I also have the same problem and havent get a slolution yet.

Is that just WAMP error or what.

Please help, thank You


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Re: '.;C:\php5\pear' I cant make it work sad smiley
Posted by: yfastud (---.cable.mindspring.com)
Date: January 24, 2007 12:39PM

Check this post


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