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So when I updated to PHP 7.2.19 64bit and try to open phpMyAdmin, I get the following errors:
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in C:\wamp64\apps\phpmyadmin4.8.5\vendor\phpseclib\phpseclib\phpseclib\bootstrap.php on line 10
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'PhpMyAdmin\MoTranslator\Loader' not found in C:\wamp64\apps\phpmyadmin4.8.5\libraries\ on line 96
Error: Class 'PhpMyAdmin\MoTranslator\Loader' not found in C:\wamp64\apps\phpmyadmin4.8.5\libraries\ on line 96
Running on Windows 10, build 18908, 64 bit.
WAMP version 3.19,
Apache: 2.4.39
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/01/2019 06:31PM by Kirk.