phpMyAdmin no arranca
Posted by: Jenny Ruiz (
Date: April 21, 2019 09:20PM

Si alguien puede ayudarme con un problema que tengo al abrir phpMyAdmin 4.8.4. He re-instalado WAMP64 (primero hice uninstall). Si embargo al momento que abro phpMyAdmin en el navegador me muestra errores.

Por favor si alguien tiene la amabilidad de ayudarme e indicarme qué hacer. He reinstalado nuevamente y nada.

Muchas gracias.

Escribo lo que me aparece en el navegador:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 2097152 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 65536 bytes) in C:\wamp64\apps\phpmyadmin4.8.4\vendor\composer\ClassLoader.php on line 414

require_once( 'C:\wamp64\apps\phpmyadmin4.8.4\libraries\' )

PhpMyAdmin\Session::generateToken( )
spl_autoload_call ( 'PhpMyAdmin\\Util' )
Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader->loadClass( $class = 'PhpMyAdmin\\Util' )
Composer\Autoload\includeFile( $file = 'C:\\wamp64\\apps\\phpmyadmin4.8.4\\vendor\\composer/../../libraries/classes\\Util.php' )
Variables in local scope (#7)
$file =
C:\wamp64\apps\phpmyadmin4.8.4\vendor\composer\ClassLoader.php:414:string 'C:\wamp64\apps\phpmyadmin4.8.4\vendor\composer/../../libraries/classes\Util.php' (length=79)

PhpMyAdmin\Session::setUp( $config = class PhpMyAdmin\Config { public $default_source = './libraries/config.default.php'; public $default = array ('PmaAbsoluteUri' => '', 'AuthLog' => 'auto', 'AuthLogSuccess' => FALSE, 'PmaNoRelation_DisableWarning' => FALSE, 'SuhosinDisableWarning' => FALSE, 'LoginCookieValidityDisableWarning' => FALSE, 'ReservedWordDisableWarning' => FALSE, 'TranslationWarningThreshold' => 80, 'AllowThirdPartyFraming' => FALSE, 'blowfish_secret' => '', 'ServerDefault' => 1, 'VersionCheck' => TRUE, 'ProxyUrl' => '', 'ProxyUser' => '', 'ProxyPass' => '', 'MaxDbList' => 100, 'MaxTableList' => 250, 'ShowHint' => TRUE, 'MaxCharactersInDisplayedSQL' => 1000, 'OBGzip' => 'auto', 'PersistentConnections' => FALSE, 'ExecTimeLimit' => 300, 'SessionSavePath' => '', 'MemoryLimit' => '-1', 'SkipLockedTables' => FALSE, 'ShowSQL' => TRUE, 'RetainQueryBox' => FALSE, 'CodemirrorEnable' => TRUE, 'LintEnable' => TRUE, 'AllowUserDropDatabase' => FALSE, 'Confirm' => TRUE, 'LoginCookieRecall' => TRUE, 'LoginCookieValidity' => 1440, 'LoginCookieStore' => 0, 'LoginCookieDeleteAll' => TRUE, 'UseDbSearch' => TRUE, 'IgnoreMultiSubmitErrors' => FALSE, 'AllowArbitraryServer' => FALSE, 'ArbitraryServerRegexp' => '', 'CaptchaLoginPublicKey' => '', 'CaptchaLoginPrivateKey' => '', 'ShowDatabasesNavigationAsTree' => TRUE, 'FirstLevelNavigationItems' => 100, 'MaxNavigationItems' => 50, 'NavigationTreeEnableGrouping' => TRUE, 'NavigationTreeDbSeparator' => '_', 'NavigationTreeTableSeparator' => '__', 'NavigationTreeTableLevel' => 1, 'NavigationLinkWithMainPanel' => TRUE, 'NavigationDisplayLogo' => TRUE, 'NavigationLogoLink' => 'index.php', 'NavigationLogoLinkWindow' => 'main', 'NumRecentTables' => 10, 'NumFavoriteTables' => 10, 'NavigationTreeDisplayItemFilterMinimum' => 30, 'NavigationDisplayServers' => TRUE, 'DisplayServersList' => FALSE, 'NavigationTreeDisplayDbFilterMinimum' => 30, 'NavigationTreeDefaultTabTable' => 'structure', 'NavigationTreeDefaultTabTable2' => '', 'NavigationTreeEnableExpansion' => TRUE, 'NavigationTreeShowTables' => TRUE, 'NavigationTreeShowViews' => TRUE, 'NavigationTreeShowFunctions' => TRUE, 'NavigationTreeShowProcedures' => TRUE, 'NavigationTreeShowEvents' => TRUE, 'NavigationWidth' => 240, 'ShowStats' => TRUE, 'ShowPhpInfo' => FALSE, 'ShowServerInfo' => TRUE, 'ShowChgPassword' => TRUE, 'ShowCreateDb' => TRUE, 'ShowDbStructureCharset' => FALSE, 'ShowDbStructureComment' => FALSE, 'ShowDbStructureCreation' => FALSE, 'ShowDbStructureLastUpdate' => FALSE, 'ShowDbStructureLastCheck' => FALSE, 'HideStructureActions' => TRUE, 'ShowColumnComments' => TRUE, 'TableNavigationLinksMode' => 'icons', 'ShowAll' => FALSE, 'MaxRows' => 25, 'Order' => 'SMART', 'SaveCellsAtOnce' => FALSE, 'GridEditing' => 'double-click', 'RelationalDisplay' => 'K', 'ProtectBinary' => 'blob', 'ShowFunctionFields' => TRUE, 'ShowFieldTypesInDataEditView' => TRUE, 'CharEditing' => 'input', 'MinSizeForInputField' => 4, 'MaxSizeForInputField' => 60, 'InsertRows' => 2, 'ForeignKeyDropdownOrder' => array (...), 'ForeignKeyMaxLimit' => 100, 'DefaultForeignKeyChecks' => 'default', 'ZipDump' => TRUE, 'GZipDump' => TRUE, 'BZipDump' => TRUE, 'CompressOnFly' => TRUE, 'TabsMode' => 'both', 'ActionLinksMode' => 'both', 'PropertiesNumColumns' => 1, 'DefaultTabServer' => 'welcome', 'DefaultTabDatabase' => 'structure', 'DefaultTabTable' => 'browse', 'RowActionType' => 'both', 'Export' => array (...), 'Import' => array (...), 'Schema' => array (...), 'PDFPageSizes' => array (...), 'PDFDefaultPageSize' => 'A4', 'DefaultLang' => 'en', 'DefaultConnectionCollation' => 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci', 'Lang' => '', 'FilterLanguages' => '', 'RecodingEngine' => 'auto', 'IconvExtraParams' => '//TRANSLIT', 'AvailableCharsets' => array (...), 'NavigationTreePointerEnable' => TRUE, 'BrowsePointerEnable' => TRUE, 'BrowseMarkerEnable' => TRUE, 'TextareaCols' => 40, 'TextareaRows' => 15, 'LongtextDoubleTextarea' => TRUE, 'TextareaAutoSelect' => FALSE, 'CharTextareaCols' => 40, 'CharTextareaRows' => 2, ...); public $base_settings = array ('is_setup' => FALSE, 'PmaAbsoluteUri' => '', 'AuthLog' => 'auto', 'AuthLogSuccess' => FALSE, 'PmaNoRelation_DisableWarning' => TRUE, 'SuhosinDisableWarning' => FALSE, 'LoginCookieValidityDisableWarning' => FALSE, 'ReservedWordDisableWarning' => FALSE, 'TranslationWarningThreshold' => 80, 'AllowThirdPartyFraming' => FALSE, 'blowfish_secret' => 'h]C+{nqW$omNoTIkCwC$%z-LTcy%p6_j', 'ServerDefault' => 1, 'VersionCheck' => TRUE, 'ProxyUrl' => '', 'ProxyUser' => '', 'ProxyPass' => '', 'MaxDbList' => 100, 'MaxTableList' => 250, 'ShowHint' => TRUE, 'MaxCharactersInDisplayedSQL' => 1000, 'OBGzip' => TRUE, 'PersistentConnections' => FALSE, 'ExecTimeLimit' => 300, 'SessionSavePath' => '', 'MemoryLimit' => '-1', 'SkipLockedTables' => FALSE, 'ShowSQL' => TRUE, 'RetainQueryBox' => FALSE, 'CodemirrorEnable' => TRUE, 'LintEnable' => TRUE, 'AllowUserDropDatabase' => FALSE, 'Confirm' => TRUE, 'LoginCookieRecall' => TRUE, 'LoginCookieValidity' => 1440, 'LoginCookieStore' => 0, 'LoginCookieDeleteAll' => TRUE, 'UseDbSearch' => TRUE, 'IgnoreMultiSubmitErrors' => FALSE, 'AllowArbitraryServer' => FALSE, 'ArbitraryServerRegexp' => '', 'CaptchaLoginPublicKey' => '', 'CaptchaLoginPrivateKey' => '', 'ShowDatabasesNavigationAsTree' => TRUE, 'FirstLevelNavigationItems' => 100, 'MaxNavigationItems' => 50, 'NavigationTreeEnableGrouping' => TRUE, 'NavigationTreeDbSeparator' => '_', 'NavigationTreeTableSeparator' => '__', 'NavigationTreeTableLevel' => 1, 'NavigationLinkWithMainPanel' => TRUE, 'NavigationDisplayLogo' => TRUE, 'NavigationLogoLink' => 'index.php', 'NavigationLogoLinkWindow' => 'main', 'NumRecentTables' => 10, 'NumFavoriteTables' => 10, 'NavigationTreeDisplayItemFilterMinimum' => 30, 'NavigationDisplayServers' => TRUE, 'DisplayServersList' => FALSE, 'NavigationTreeDisplayDbFilterMinimum' => 30, 'NavigationTreeDefaultTabTable' => 'structure', 'NavigationTreeDefaultTabTable2' => '', 'NavigationTreeEnableExpansion' => TRUE, 'NavigationTreeShowTables' => TRUE, 'NavigationTreeShowViews' => TRUE, 'NavigationTreeShowFunctions' => TRUE, 'NavigationTreeShowProcedures' => TRUE, 'NavigationTreeShowEvents' => TRUE, 'NavigationWidth' => 240, 'ShowStats' => TRUE, 'ShowPhpInfo' => FALSE, 'ShowServerInfo' => TRUE, 'ShowChgPassword' => TRUE, 'ShowCreateDb' => TRUE, 'ShowDbStructureCharset' => FALSE, 'ShowDbStructureComment' => FALSE, 'ShowDbStructureCreation' => FALSE, 'ShowDbStructureLastUpdate' => FALSE, 'ShowDbStructureLastCheck' => FALSE, 'HideStructureActions' => TRUE, 'ShowColumnComments' => TRUE, 'TableNavigationLinksMode' => 'icons', 'ShowAll' => FALSE, 'MaxRows' => 25, 'Order' => 'SMART', 'SaveCellsAtOnce' => FALSE, 'GridEditing' => 'double-click', 'RelationalDisplay' => 'K', 'ProtectBinary' => 'blob', 'ShowFunctionFields' => TRUE, 'ShowFieldTypesInDataEditView' => TRUE, 'CharEditing' => 'input', 'MinSizeForInputField' => 4, 'MaxSizeForInputField' => 60, 'InsertRows' => 2, 'ForeignKeyDropdownOrder' => array (...), 'ForeignKeyMaxLimit' => 100, 'DefaultForeignKeyChecks' => 'default', 'ZipDump' => TRUE, 'GZipDump' => TRUE, 'BZipDump' => TRUE, 'CompressOnFly' => TRUE, 'TabsMode' => 'both', 'ActionLinksMode' => 'both', 'PropertiesNumColumns' => 1, 'DefaultTabServer' => 'welcome', 'DefaultTabDatabase' => 'structure', 'DefaultTabTable' => 'browse', 'RowActionType' => 'both', 'Export' => array (...), 'Import' => array (...), 'Schema' => array (...), 'PDFPageSizes' => array (...), 'PDFDefaultPageSize' => 'A4', 'DefaultLang' => 'en', 'DefaultConnectionCollation' => 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci', 'Lang' => '', 'FilterLanguages' => '', 'RecodingEngine' => 'auto', 'IconvExtraParams' => '//TRANSLIT', 'AvailableCharsets' => array (...), 'NavigationTreePointerEnable' => TRUE, 'BrowsePointerEnable' => TRUE, 'BrowseMarkerEnable' => TRUE, 'TextareaCols' => 40, 'TextareaRows' => 15, 'LongtextDoubleTextarea' => TRUE, 'TextareaAutoSelect' => FALSE, 'CharTextareaCols' => 40, ...); public $settings = array ('is_setup' => FALSE, 'PmaAbsoluteUri' => '', 'AuthLog' => 'auto', 'AuthLogSuccess' => FALSE, 'PmaNoRelation_DisableWarning' => TRUE, 'SuhosinDisableWarning' => FALSE, 'LoginCookieValidityDisableWarning' => FALSE, 'ReservedWordDisableWarning' => FALSE, 'TranslationWarningThreshold' => 80, 'AllowThirdPartyFraming' => FALSE, 'blowfish_secret' => 'h]C+{nqW$omNoTIkCwC$%z-LTcy%p6_j', 'ServerDefault' => 1, 'VersionCheck' => TRUE, 'ProxyUrl' => '', 'ProxyUser' => '', 'ProxyPass' => '', 'MaxDbList' => 100, 'MaxTableList' => 250, 'ShowHint' => TRUE, 'MaxCharactersInDisplayedSQL' => 1000, 'OBGzip' => TRUE, 'PersistentConnections' => FALSE, 'ExecTimeLimit' => 300, 'SessionSavePath' => '', 'MemoryLimit' => '-1', 'SkipLockedTables' => FALSE, 'ShowSQL' => TRUE, 'RetainQueryBox' => FALSE, 'CodemirrorEnable' => TRUE, 'LintEnable' => TRUE, 'AllowUserDropDatabase' => FALSE, 'Confirm' => TRUE, 'LoginCookieRecall' => TRUE, 'LoginCookieValidity' => 1440, 'LoginCookieStore' => 0, 'LoginCookieDeleteAll' => TRUE, 'UseDbSearch' => TRUE, 'IgnoreMultiSubmitErrors' => FALSE, 'AllowArbitraryServer' => FALSE, 'ArbitraryServerRegexp' => '', 'CaptchaLoginPublicKey' => '', 'CaptchaLoginPrivateKey' => '', 'ShowDatabasesNavigationAsTree' => TRUE, 'FirstLevelNavigationItems' => 100, 'MaxNavigationItems' => 50, 'NavigationTreeEnableGrouping' => TRUE, 'NavigationTreeDbSeparator' => '_', 'NavigationTreeTableSeparator' => '__', 'NavigationTreeTableLevel' => 1, 'NavigationLinkWithMainPanel' => TRUE, 'NavigationDisplayLogo' => TRUE, 'NavigationLogoLink' => 'index.php', 'NavigationLogoLinkWindow' => 'main', 'NumRecentTables' => 10, 'NumFavoriteTables' => 10, 'NavigationTreeDisplayItemFilterMinimum' => 30, 'NavigationDisplayServers' => TRUE, 'DisplayServersList' => FALSE, 'NavigationTreeDisplayDbFilterMinimum' => 30, 'NavigationTreeDefaultTabTable' => 'structure', 'NavigationTreeDefaultTabTable2' => '', 'NavigationTreeEnableExpansion' => TRUE, 'NavigationTreeShowTables' => TRUE, 'NavigationTreeShowViews' => TRUE, 'NavigationTreeShowFunctions' => TRUE, 'NavigationTreeShowProcedures' => TRUE, 'NavigationTreeShowEvents' => TRUE, 'NavigationWidth' => 240, 'ShowStats' => TRUE, 'ShowPhpInfo' => FALSE, 'ShowServerInfo' => TRUE, 'ShowChgPassword' => TRUE, 'ShowCreateDb' => TRUE, 'ShowDbStructureCharset' => FALSE, 'ShowDbStructureComment' => FALSE, 'ShowDbStructureCreation' => FALSE, 'ShowDbStructureLastUpdate' => FALSE, 'ShowDbStructureLastCheck' => FALSE, 'HideStructureActions' => TRUE, 'ShowColumnComments' => TRUE, 'TableNavigationLinksMode' => 'icons', 'ShowAll' => FALSE, 'MaxRows' => 25, 'Order' => 'SMART', 'SaveCellsAtOnce' => FALSE, 'GridEditing' => 'double-click', 'RelationalDisplay' => 'K', 'ProtectBinary' => 'blob', 'ShowFunctionFields' => TRUE, 'ShowFieldTypesInDataEditView' => TRUE, 'CharEditing' => 'input', 'MinSizeForInputField' => 4, 'MaxSizeForInputField' => 60, 'InsertRows' => 2, 'ForeignKeyDropdownOrder' => array (...), 'ForeignKeyMaxLimit' => 100, 'DefaultForeignKeyChecks' => 'default', 'ZipDump' => TRUE, 'GZipDump' => TRUE, 'BZipDump' => TRUE, 'CompressOnFly' => TRUE, 'TabsMode' => 'both', 'ActionLinksMode' => 'both', 'PropertiesNumColumns' => 1, 'DefaultTabServer' => 'welcome', 'DefaultTabDatabase' => 'structure', 'DefaultTabTable' => 'browse', 'RowActionType' => 'both', 'Export' => array (...), 'Import' => array (...), 'Schema' => array (...), 'PDFPageSizes' => array (...), 'PDFDefaultPageSize' => 'A4', 'DefaultLang' => 'en', 'DefaultConnectionCollation' => 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci', 'Lang' => '', 'FilterLanguages' => '', 'RecodingEngine' => 'auto', 'IconvExtraParams' => '//TRANSLIT', 'AvailableCharsets' => array (...), 'NavigationTreePointerEnable' => TRUE, 'BrowsePointerEnable' => TRUE, 'BrowseMarkerEnable' => TRUE, 'TextareaCols' => 40, 'TextareaRows' => 15, 'LongtextDoubleTextarea' => TRUE, 'TextareaAutoSelect' => FALSE, 'CharTextareaCols' => 40, ...); public $source = ''; public $source_mtime = 1545228574; public $default_source_mtime = 1544490226; public $set_mtime = 1555866114; public $error_config_file = FALSE; public $error_config_default_file = FALSE; public $default_server = array ('host' => 'localhost', 'port' => '', 'socket' => '', 'ssl' => FALSE, 'ssl_key' => NULL, 'ssl_cert' => NULL, 'ssl_ca' => NULL, 'ssl_ca_path' => NULL, 'ssl_ciphers' => NULL, 'ssl_verify' => TRUE, 'compress' => FALSE, 'controlhost' => '', 'controlport' => '', 'controluser' => '', 'controlpass' => '', 'auth_type' => 'cookie', 'auth_http_realm' => '', 'user' => 'root', 'password' => '', 'SignonSession' => '', 'SignonCookieParams' => array (...), 'SignonScript' => '', 'SignonURL' => '', 'LogoutURL' => '', 'only_db' => '', 'hide_db' => '', 'verbose' => '', 'pmadb' => '', 'bookmarktable' => '', 'relation' => '', 'table_info' => '', 'table_coords' => '', 'pdf_pages' => '', 'column_info' => '', 'history' => '', 'recent' => '', 'favorite' => '', 'table_uiprefs' => '', 'tracking' => '', 'userconfig' => '', 'users' => '', 'usergroups' => '', 'navigationhiding' => '', 'savedsearches' => '', 'central_columns' => '', 'designer_settings' => '', 'export_templates' => '', 'MaxTableUiprefs' => 100, 'SessionTimeZone' => '', 'AllowRoot' => TRUE, 'AllowNoPassword' => FALSE, 'AllowDeny' => array (...), 'DisableIS' => FALSE, 'tracking_version_auto_create' => FALSE, 'tracking_default_statements' => 'CREATE TABLE,ALTER TABLE,DROP TABLE,RENAME TABLE,CREATE INDEX,DROP INDEX,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,TRUNCATE,REPLACE,CREATE VIEW,ALTER VIEW,DROP VIEW,CREATE DATABASE,ALTER DATABASE,DROP DATABASE', 'tracking_add_drop_view' => TRUE, 'tracking_add_drop_table' => TRUE, 'tracking_add_drop_database' => TRUE); public $done = FALSE; private $userPreferences = class PhpMyAdmin\UserPreferences { private $relation = class PhpMyAdmin\Relation { ... } } }, $errorHandler = class PhpMyAdmin\ErrorHandler { protected $errors = array (); protected $hide_location = FALSE; protected $error_reporting = 32767 } )

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Re: phpMyAdmin no arranca
Posted by: Otomatic (Moderator)
Date: April 22, 2019 11:25AM


Launch PhpMyAdmin with its alias in the menu on the Wampserver homepage (localhost).
If there is a lack of memory, you can always modify the values allocated in the alias file:

> Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 2097152 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 65536 bytes)
> in C:\wamp64\apps\phpmyadmin4.8.4\vendor\composer\ClassLoader.php on line 414
If you launch PhpMyAdmin via Composer, it is up to you to modify the memory allocations in Composer. Since Composer is not part of Wampserver, you need to go to Composer for documentation.

Documentation Apache - Documentation PHP - Documentation MySQL - Wampserver install files & addons

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