Virtual Hosting
Posted by: CoRex (
Date: April 03, 2006 10:27PM

I am new to WAMP, but I am not new to apache, php, mysql and so on.

Yes, I have read the posts that state this is only "local testing and development". I know, I know.

I want to switch to wamp because it is a lot easiere to install/maintain. It is really nice. But the only thing that stops me is the lack of Virtual Hosting. I really need it.

So my question is - how to write an extesion to WAMP that can handle Virtual Hosting. I am not talking about changing the files and stuff. But how to add menuitems to WAMP's excellent menu? What rules to follow? And so on...........


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Re: Virtual Hosting
Posted by: CoRex (
Date: April 03, 2006 10:43PM

Ups. Forgot to say that I need it for development, NOT production.

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Re: Virtual Hosting
Posted by: myriad360 (67.51.182.---)
Date: April 03, 2006 11:10PM

Is there a problem with just doing a Virtual Host with Apache (mod ing the conf file)? Are there other things you need to do?

Sorry, I will download the wampserver and see if the GUI recognizes the changes. But I don't know if this will show up on the menus yet.

If you can get away with Virtual Hosting just with Apache 2, then I can help you with that. The doc on the net is spotty for this.


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Re: Virtual Hosting
Posted by: CoRex (
Date: April 03, 2006 11:29PM

I actually wrote my own guide called "Apache 2.0.55, MySQL 4.1.15, php 5.1.1, phpMyAdmin 2.7.0 on Windows XP with Virtual Hosting" so I know what to do. Thanks anyway for your offer: smiling smiley I just want to write the tool to change it and add it to the menu.

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Re: Virtual Hosting
Posted by: myriad360 (71.36.29.---)
Date: April 04, 2006 05:06AM

Ah, right on. That is pretty cool, you should make that more searchable. smiling smiley I know a lot of people would search that information.

Sorry I can't help. Learning one language at a time. Good luck!


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Re: Virtual Hosting
Posted by: CyberSpatium (
Date: April 04, 2006 01:42PM

You can add virtual hosts by adding them into your httpd.conf file. However, if you want to edit the WAMP menu, you can find all the menu settings and configurations here:

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Re: Virtual Hosting
Posted by: TwistedChaos (
Date: April 11, 2006 04:10PM

i actually have created the neccessary files for an automated system to add and remove virtual hosts....

i used the original alias scripts and found how they configured the files... then i wrote a similar script using the virtual host information instead....

i then modified the menu in wamp by adding the same commands for the alias information as the Virtual Hosts information....

if you would like i can finish the developmental work and release this as a mod for WAMP....

i am trying to get on the devel team anyways.... grinning smiley
contact me for info...

A Massive Heart Attack = Computer Crash sad smiley

I am a member of CAF -> Computer Addicts Forever smiling smiley

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Re: Virtual Hosting
Posted by: CoRex (
Date: April 12, 2006 07:57PM

Hey TwistedChaos.

I would very much like to see what you have done. If I am allowed. smiling smiley And it would be great if there was an addon for Virtual Hosting.

Please do! grinning smiley


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Re: Virtual Hosting
Posted by: TwistedChaos (
Date: April 14, 2006 04:02PM

of course... do you have any IM's? i have the following:

AIM: AMysticalLegend
Yahoo!: AMysticalLegend

see you on one of those?

if not my email is

A Massive Heart Attack = Computer Crash sad smiley

I am a member of CAF -> Computer Addicts Forever smiling smiley

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Re: Virtual Hosting
Posted by: TwistedChaos (
Date: April 21, 2006 02:59PM

I am almost done with the complete mod.

If anyone one else finds this helpful i would appreciate a shoutout here....thanx

A Massive Heart Attack = Computer Crash sad smiley

I am a member of CAF -> Computer Addicts Forever smiling smiley

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