Odd Issue
Posted by: seric_bain (---.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
Date: March 30, 2006 02:03AM


I've had WAMP5 installed on my computer for a month or so now and it seems to be working great with the exception of one problem. Every once in a while (probably a few times a day or so) my server will stop responding and a message 'document contains no data' pops up to anyone who tries to use my site. During this time, my computer seems to be processing a lot of information, until I restart the WAMP services. Once I restart the services, it works fine.

but like I said, it seems to happen when theres an information tranfser of slightly larger then normal size. So as my site grows, its getting worse and worse. Is there anything I can do? Some setting I missed somewhere?

Any help would be awesome.


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Re: Odd Issue
Posted by: CyberSpatium (---.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
Date: March 30, 2006 11:05AM

Well, if you are hosting websites using WAMP on your local computer (which is not a good idea) you are bound by the outbound speed of your internet connection. so, if you have a dialup connection, just a few users accessing your site will cause problems loading because your internet connection cannot handle that much throughput

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Re: Odd Issue
Posted by: seric_bain (---.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
Date: March 30, 2006 12:03PM

well, I have a cable connection. If that was the issue, wouldn't the site become available again once the traffic cleared? Because even with no traffic, once information is transfered, my computer seems to start an endless 'processing' of something... and during this, no one can access my site until I hit the server restart option.

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