Installing PHPBB with this program
Posted by: JordanSchultz (209.91.82.---)
Date: March 19, 2006 10:30PM

I am new to this whole world. I have extracted the PHPBB2 files to my root directory, and have set a new password and username for phpmyadmin, when i try to install phpbb2 it say "The PHP configuration on your server doesn't support the database type that you chose" I chose MySQL 4.x/5.x. If anyone can help me out with this i would appreciate it, Thank you

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Re: Installing PHPBB with this program
Posted by: CyberSpatium (
Date: March 20, 2006 01:57PM

Try using MySQLi

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Re: Installing PHPBB with this program
Posted by: JordanSchultz (
Date: March 20, 2006 06:58PM

I tried all option, its either it cannot connect to the database server, or that the database type is not supported.

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Re: Installing PHPBB with this program
Posted by: CyberSpatium (
Date: March 20, 2006 09:13PM

Well, because WAMP uses the newer MySQL 5.x version, and php 5.x, you can use both MySQL and MySQLi. What errors are you getting from phpBB?

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Re: Installing PHPBB with this program
Posted by: stud~muffin (
Date: March 25, 2006 05:43AM dont live in Texas do you? I know a girl with that same name...


I've installed phpbb2 on my wamp server. I had the same problems.
1.i'm guessing you've already got phpbb2 in your www directory, Be sure you have a database set up Specialy for the forum in the phpmyadmin. I named my database Forum
2. Be sure you also have a database user set up for the Forum database (Do not use the Root user! the root user as i understand is only accessable localy, does not have a password, and grants all privilages to the database/server)
3. When you have a user made, Set up the user to ONLY have privilages with the Forum database. You probly shouldn't give this user any Administrative rights either.
4. Set a password if you wish. Probably a smart choice =P
5. Try installing the phpbb forum again.

I can't remember what the phpbb install page looks like, but if you have any problems just let me know

Nooby-teen!! Learning about PHP and apache and Lovin' it!

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