mysql connect
Posted by: (202.175.224.---)
Date: March 17, 2006 07:56AM

I am using apache to connect to mysql but the phpadmin can add_user or make a database file or name. But everytime I input a data from the browser it would show access denied to mysql connect ()_ nor it would let user denied. The local server is working, phpmyadmin and mysql is running fine. Can you enlighten me. Oh I forgot the cgi script is not working too.

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Re: mysql connect
Posted by: CyberSpatium (
Date: March 17, 2006 06:13PM

q.) every time I input a data from the browser it would show access denied to mysql connect ()_ nor it would let user denied.
a.) Have you changed the password for the root account, if so, you need to add that to the phpmyadmin config.ini.php file:

Fine this line 73
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = '';

Change it to:
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = 'Put_Your_Password_Here';

a.) You need to install the WAMP ACTIVESTATE PERL ADD-ON for perl and cgi files to work. You will also need to place all your cgi and perl files in the cgi-bin folder located here:

To access your cgi and pl files in your cgi-bin folder using IE, use:

Also, look at the top of your cgi and pl files, you need to change the location of perl at the top of the page of each file. PHP scripts do not need this, but all perl scripts need to have the location to the perl executable or they will not work.

So, change the location to perl in the top of all your .pl files to this:

And a little extra note to highlight on... when the perl/cgi script you are installing ask you to CHMOD a file, or change file permissions, this is only for Linux based computers, not Windows based. Windows does not use file permissions, so just skip that step in the install process of your script.

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