Fowarding to dir when dmoain name entered
Posted by: heero (
Date: March 16, 2006 04:36AM

Ho would i go about setting it up so that when someone types in the address the server sends the deafult browser to read E:/example/index.php or other sub directorys so i can keep the main page for when i view the page localy?

i am using WAMP5 Version 1.6.1 (no mods installed or patches/updates)


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Re: Fowarding to dir when dmoain name entered
Posted by: CyberSpatium (
Date: March 16, 2006 04:56PM

Be carefull, while WAMP can be used to host domains (virtual hosting), it is HUGE security risk. WAMP was designed to be a local testing platform, for php and html development and testing, not for hosting websites.

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