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First, you need to realize that if you use the free no ip account, it is supported by ads, so every time someone accesses your site, they will see ads.
Second, WAMP was designed for website development and testing. It is not designed for hosting domains. It can host domains, however WAMP is very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very insecure. I recommend you pay a few dollars per month to get web hosting.
If you have to host a domain, you need to make sure you use .htaccess and .htpasswd to password protect your local directory, or anyone will be able to access your WAMP admin page. Also password protect your www directory using the same method.
Since the admin root account for MySQL has no password set, you need to make sure you secure MySQL by setting a password for the root account. Then use cookie or http authentication to secure phpMyAdmin.
And if you still think you need to use domain hosting, then read my post here: