Okay, i was wondering if anyone ever gets this ever. I just installed a phpnuke site to my wamp sevrer, and all i see is a blank page. If I upload it, it looks fine. Sometimes when i upload it i still can't see it, but it others can... This is really bugging me, because my friend is yelling at me for ftping so much, I want to just set it up and then upload it... Any suggestions(I have used many versions)
Okay, in find the variable in your config.php that is simmilar to this $display_errors = 0; or ini_set('display_errors','0'); in either case set it to 1 and you will be able to view exactly what is wrong, in my case it was a template.. And in my case it didn't make any sence, it said unexpected $end whitch usually means i forgot to close an if else or while( { } ), but I checked, 58 {s and 58 }s in my theme.php(whitch was causing the problem...) So all i did was get a different theme.. Then i seriously reccomend setting the display_errors back to 0 because there are alot of purposeful errors in the coding(ex. if this part of the code doesn't log you in, this part will, and then if the first part did display an error...)