can any one tell me all the ports that wamp uses to comunicate cause i just bought a router and i need to set up this "Vitual Servers" thing so when any one conects to my Internet IP on thos ports the router directs it to go to my Internal IP adress cheers
Re: Ports
Posted by:
Coen Meerbeek
Date: February 09, 2006 02:56PM
default is port 80. Look for "Listen" in httpd.conf which states your port number.
Re: Ports
Posted by:
Date: February 09, 2006 04:17PM
Read my post on setting up a server with WAMP.
I used and set up a free domain name to point to my IP. Just open port 80 on your router. My DLink router let me set up a Dynamic DNS connection to to autoupdate my IP.
Re: Ports
Posted by:
Date: February 09, 2006 05:03PM
I do the same as Robert except i use . It works the same.
Re: Ports
Posted by:
Date: February 09, 2006 05:07PM
i use a belkin and and i open up port 80 to the internal IP (where i have wamp installed) and i use NO-IP, it still does not work, it does with my internal IP but not with my WAN (internet).
Re: Ports
Posted by:
Date: February 09, 2006 08:02PM
Whenever you problem solve break the problem into smaller pieces. Get a friend to ping your IP. At the very least that should work. If so - then the problem is from your router back to your server.