Downgrading to PHP5.3.10 on Apache 2.4.9
Posted by: iameric (
Date: January 29, 2015 11:28PM

I downloaded - and extracted into the necessary folder and copied over the necessary files, renamed the php.ini-development file, downloaded the correct version of IonCube, Zend_Ext, and the necessary php5apache2_4.dll.

I modified the configuration files above to point to the correct directories, the new PHP version shows up under WAMP > PHP > Version but if I try and switch to it the server stays orange.

I noticed though that the switchPhp5.3.10 references the incorrect FileNames and is still referencing the default version of 5.5.12

Action: service; Service: wampapache64; ServiceAction: stop; Flags: ignoreerrors waituntilterminated
Action: run; FileName: "c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.5.12/php-win.exe";Parameters: "switchPhpVersion.php 5.3.10";WorkingDir: "c:/wamp/scripts"; Flags: waituntilterminated
Action: run; FileName: "c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.5.12/php-win.exe";Parameters: "-c . refresh.php";WorkingDir: "c:/wamp/scripts"; Flags: waituntilterminated
Action: run; FileName: "net"; Parameters: "start wampapache64"; ShowCmd: hidden; Flags: waituntilterminated
Action: resetservices
Action: readconfig;

Also under [apacheVersion]
Action: run; FileName: "c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.5.12/php-win.exe";Parameters: "switchApacheVersion.php 2.4.9";WorkingDir: "c:/wamp/scripts"; Flags: waituntilterminated
Action: run; FileName: "c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.5.12/php-win.exe";Parameters: "switchPhpVersion.php 5.3.10";WorkingDir: "c:/wamp/scripts"; Flags: waituntilterminated
Action: run; FileName: "c:/wamp/bin/apache/apache2.4.9/bin/httpd.exe"; Parameters: "-n wampapache64 -k install"; ShowCmd: hidden; Flags: waituntilterminated
Action: run; FileName: "net"; Parameters: "start wampapache64"; ShowCmd: hidden; Flags: waituntilterminated
Action: run; FileName: "c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.5.12/php-win.exe";Parameters: "-c . refresh.php";WorkingDir: "c:/wamp/scripts";
Where was WAMP pulling this information from? Even if I manually change everything WAMP will revert the FileNames.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/29/2015 11:39PM by iameric.

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