- Complete installers Wampserver 3.1.9 32 & 64 bit
Apache 2.4.39 - PHP 5.6.40/7.0.33/7.1.29/7.2.18/7.3.5 - MySQL 5.7.26 - MariaDB 10.3.14
PhpMyAdmin 4.8.5 - Adminer 4.7.1 - PhpSysInfo 3.3.0
Nota : It is possible that at the first launch of Wampserver not all services will be started (Non-green icon)
Left-click Wampmanager icon then Restart services.
--- Wampserver 3.1.9
- Fix VirtualHost creation issue (CVE-2019-11517). Thanks to Imre Rad
- Warning if Apache variables not found
- Improving the verification of the status of services
- Support VirtualHost IDNA (Internationalized Domain Names in Applications) ServerName
- Possibility to backup hosts file before modification (Wamp settings)
- Non-systematic rewriting of some files
See the first message for download links.
Documentation Apache -
Documentation PHP -
Documentation MySQL -
Wampserver install files & addons