Frontpage 2002 and Apache 2.0.55?
Posted by: Tony (
Date: December 26, 2005 02:58PM

What is needed in order for me to run FrontPage 2002 on Apache 2.0.55?
Any tips on server extension downloads, configuration, or resource websites?

I've installed WAMP 1.6.0
Installation went well, just need to use FP 02' with this.

Thank You and Have a Good Day!

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Re: Frontpage 2002 and Apache 2.0.55?
Posted by: Debbie (
Date: June 07, 2006 07:00AM

I've got the same question about Frontpage (2003, in my case). It would be a lot easier if I could just publish to the local server. My remote server is running Apache for Linux and it has FP extensions.

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Re: Frontpage 2002 and Apache 2.0.55?
Posted by: tomfmason (
Date: June 08, 2006 02:20AM

If you are using front page on the same box as wamp then it is pretty simple. When you go to publish your site choose the file system option under remote website properties. Then click browse and find the www file under wamp.

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Re: Frontpage 2002 and Apache 2.0.55?
Posted by: Debbie (
Date: June 08, 2006 05:32AM

Thanks for the help. I got the files published using the file system option. However, aren't there some advantages to having FP extensions? For example, every time I make any change to a page and republish it to the wamp server, my navigation bar ( which admittedly has its peculiarities) gets recreated again. This doesn't happen publishing to my remote server, I'm guessing because of the extensions. Not a huge deal, just trying to find an easy way to get both servers looking alike.

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