Posted by: BoBo (
Date: December 24, 2005 12:54PM

Is it possible to schedule CRON jobs?
If so, how?

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Posted by: Ste (
Date: December 24, 2005 03:16PM

I got this from


The only thing that's certain to happen quite regularly on a web page are page requests. This is where pseudo-cron comes into play: With every page request it checks if any cron jobs should have been run since the previous request. If there are, they are run and logged. pseudo-cron uses a syntax very much like the Unix cron's one. All job definitions are made in a text file on the server with a user-definable name (usually crontab.txt). An extensive logging facility is also included for logging job results, and you may choose to receive emails with the job results.

I hope its what your looking for

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Posted by: BoBo (
Date: December 24, 2005 05:08PM

Nope, looking for the real CRON to use with WAMP

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Posted by: Romain Bourdon (
Date: December 25, 2005 10:10AM

You just need to use the windows 'plannified tasks' (it's called 'tâches planifiées' in french, i don't know the real translation)located in accesorries/system in the windows menu. You can like create a batch file (myfile.bat') with this in it :

c:/wamp/php/php-win.exe yourscript.php

Then just lauch this batch with the plannified tasks.

Merry Xmas


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Posted by: BoBo (
Date: December 25, 2005 11:35AM

thanks, I'll try that

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Posted by: BoBo (
Date: December 26, 2005 12:34PM

Works like a charm.

Thanks !!

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Posted by: adamrgolf (65.169.112.---)
Date: December 29, 2006 12:09PM

i searched the forums and found some threads that showed how to set up a cron job on windows. I'm trying to run the send_reminders.php from a webcalendar program. however, when i set up a cron as a scheduled task as shown in these forums:

1. Create a .bat file
2. insert the line c:\wamp\php\php c:\wamp\www\webcalendar\tools\send_reminders.php
3. save and set as a sheduled task

whenever it runs i get this: C:\wamp\www>C:\wamp\PHP\php c:\wamp\www\webcalendar\tools\send_reminders.php

Warning: require_once(../includes/classes/WebCalendar.class): failed to open str
eam: No such file or directory in C:\wamp\www\WebCalendar\tools\send_reminders.p
hp on line 60

Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '../includes/classes/WebCal
endar.class' (include_path='.;C:\php5\pear;../includes;') in C:\wamp\www\WebCale
ndar\tools\send_reminders.php on line 60

can anyone help??

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Posted by: adamrgolf (65.169.112.---)
Date: December 29, 2006 12:38PM

figured it out, just used [] and put the task in as an HTTP task with option to post

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