Take PHPmyadmin off localhost and add to domain
Posted by: hingsmaf003 (---.dyn.optonline.net)
Date: February 29, 2008 03:23AM

okay i have want my mysql db to be on a domain not local host like so i can connect remotely from another computer to the db from a software unless i can stay local its fine but it has to be remote connected. i just need to switch its host from local to mysql.hingsmaf.com

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Re: Take PHPmyadmin off localhost and add to domain
Posted by: hambuler (---.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com)
Date: February 29, 2008 04:09AM

You have two choices:

Create a s hortcut to PHPmyadmin directory index.php file. You place the shortcut as phpmyadmin inside mysql.hingsmaf.com.

****choice 2*****

copy phpmyadmin directory to mysql.hingsmaf.com as a subdirectory.

Configure the phpmyadmin config.inc.php file as you wish.

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