Computer crash on WAMP service termination
Posted by: rady (
Date: November 29, 2013 11:02PM

This seems to be a variation of a previously discussed problem: I cannot get beyond the opening page of my website - the site reverts to the localhost main page whenever i click on any spot on the site homepage. Apache rewrite is not activated, which is probably the culprit. Unfortunately, when I attempt to make any changes to WAMP components, the computer crashes to the blue screen of death.

I've just reinstalled XP SP3 (after a monumental screw-up) and cannot seem to restore WAMP to it's former cast iron solid self. I'm using wampserver 2.2e and have reinstalled it several times with the same results. Everything works as before, but now I can't end any of the WAMP services without causing a computer crash.

Any suggestions?



Well! I uninstalled wampserver 2.2 and installed wampserver 2.4-x86. Then, (partially) heeding the directive: "All else failing, read the directions", I made the changes suggested in "Wampserver 2.4 What to do after Installing". The Blue Screen problem is no longer with me, though I need to figure out which change is preventing the startup of Localhost. Hmmm!


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/30/2013 06:58PM by rady.

Re: Computer crash on WAMP service termination
Posted by: RiggsFolly (
Date: December 01, 2013 04:20PM

OK so lets start at the beginning. What is actually your problem now?

(Windows 10 Pro 64bit) (Wampserver 3.3.4 64bit) Aestan Tray Menu
<Apache versions MULTIPE> <PHP versions MULTIPLE> <MySQL Versions MULTIPLE>
<MariaDB versions MULTIPLE> <phpMyAdmin versions MULTIPLE> <MySQL Workbench 8.0.23>

Read The Manuals Apache -- MySQL -- PHP -- phpMyAdmin
Get your Apache/MySQL/mariaDB/PHP ADDONs here from the WAMPServer alternate Repo
-X-X-X- Backup your databases regularly Here is How dont regret it later! Yes even when developing -X-X-X-

Re: Computer crash on WAMP service termination
Posted by: rady (
Date: December 01, 2013 05:37PM

Thanks for the response - - - and sorry to be so obtuse.

I had to completely reinstall windows XP and as a result am trying to reinstall WAMP. Apparently, v2.2e has some element that causes the blue screen when I attempt to exit WAMP. v2.4-x86 opens more or less as expected and exits without the blue screen problem. Even so, as installed, it doesn't open Localhost.

I attempted to follow your instructions to "update" the various files and screwed up the edit of C:\wamp\alias\phpmyadmin.conf/ by (in ignorance or something) copying and pasting that entire change (including the alias line) to C:\wamp\alias\sqlbuddy.conf and C:\wamp\alias\webgrind.conf. Of course, Apache puked. After I repaired that goof, WAMP would not load past the "red" icon.

(A small point of semantics: The instruction "You should also make similiar changes to C:\wamp\alias\sqlbuddy.conf and C:\wamp\alias\webgrind.conf" could possibly be made idiot-proof by adding "leaving the appropriate Alias references unchanged", or something of the sort.}

I am presently uninstalling and reinstalling WAMP v2.4-x86 and will attempt to follow your instructions more carefully.

I appreciate your help. I think it's appropriate to close this thread now. I'll post again if I continue to have problems.


Re: Computer crash on WAMP service termination
Posted by: RiggsFolly (
Date: December 01, 2013 05:42PM

If you have reinstalled XP then before installing any wamp please read this and install the relevant dll's

Please make sure you have the latest version of all of these Microsoft C++ Redistributable runtime libraries.

The 2008 Redist is used by wampmanager
The 2010 Redist is used by some versions of Apache ( depending on compiler used )
The 2012 Redist is used by some versions of Apache ( depending on compiler used )

FOR WAMP 32bit
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) []
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) []

If you are using WampServer 2.4
Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 []
And select vcredist_x86.exe

FOR WAMP 64bit
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) []
Yes you need the x86 Package regardless
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x64) []
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64) []
If you are using WampServer 2.4
Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 []
And select vcredist_x64.exe

(Windows 10 Pro 64bit) (Wampserver 3.3.4 64bit) Aestan Tray Menu
<Apache versions MULTIPE> <PHP versions MULTIPLE> <MySQL Versions MULTIPLE>
<MariaDB versions MULTIPLE> <phpMyAdmin versions MULTIPLE> <MySQL Workbench 8.0.23>

Read The Manuals Apache -- MySQL -- PHP -- phpMyAdmin
Get your Apache/MySQL/mariaDB/PHP ADDONs here from the WAMPServer alternate Repo
-X-X-X- Backup your databases regularly Here is How dont regret it later! Yes even when developing -X-X-X-

Re: Computer crash on WAMP service termination
Posted by: rady (
Date: December 01, 2013 06:18PM

Aha!!! I did not have Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 installed!

We shall try again.

Thanks much,


Re: Computer crash on WAMP service termination
Posted by: rady (
Date: December 02, 2013 09:06PM

Okay, I'm back to square one.

I have ensured that the 2008,2010 and 2012 Visual C++ redists are installed and that all updates are installed. I have uninstalled/reinstalled wampserver2.4-x86. WAMP starts normally. Localhost is accessible. Localhost home page displays. I can click on my webpage and display it's home page. Any clickspot on my homepage returns the display to the Localhost home page.

Any attempt to modify WAMP elements (i.e. enable Apache rewrite) or attempt to terminate a service results in a crash to the blue screen. The blue screen only identifies the memory address that ended the normal process.

Additionally, after making the changes to WAMP 2.4 outlined in the sticky post apache gags - WAMP will not load past the yellow screen and of courses crashes the computer when WAMP is exited. Invoking httpd -t results in a Windows notification that Apache has had difficulty and must close. No other information is forthcoming.

Any ideas?


Re: Computer crash on WAMP service termination
Posted by: RiggsFolly (
Date: December 02, 2013 10:17PM

I seem to remember something from somewhere about the VC++ 2012 being incompatible with XP

Try installing WAMPServer 2.2.latest and see if that is any better.

(Windows 10 Pro 64bit) (Wampserver 3.3.4 64bit) Aestan Tray Menu
<Apache versions MULTIPE> <PHP versions MULTIPLE> <MySQL Versions MULTIPLE>
<MariaDB versions MULTIPLE> <phpMyAdmin versions MULTIPLE> <MySQL Workbench 8.0.23>

Read The Manuals Apache -- MySQL -- PHP -- phpMyAdmin
Get your Apache/MySQL/mariaDB/PHP ADDONs here from the WAMPServer alternate Repo
-X-X-X- Backup your databases regularly Here is How dont regret it later! Yes even when developing -X-X-X-

Re: Computer crash on WAMP service termination
Posted by: rady (
Date: December 03, 2013 06:13PM

Same issue with both versions. v2.2.22 allows wampserver to open normally (green icon), localhost home page to come up and my site homepage to appear. No other pages of my site can be displayed,( wampserver reverts to it's localhost homepage.) Exiting wampserver causes a blue screen crash as does attempting to activate apache modules..

I ran httpd -X and got the following: "make_sock: could not bind to address no listening sockets available, shutting down"

Does that mean anything? I double checked by shutting down both my antivirus and firewall without effect.

Wampserver (v2.2) ran without a glitch on this computer for several years. Is it possible that there are conflicting files somewhere other than in the wamp folder? I have checked the registry and cannot find evidence that wamp uses it. I have not removed files from "documents and settings" put there by previous incarnations of windows. Even so, I can't find evidence that wamp puts files there.


Re: Computer crash on WAMP service termination
Posted by: RiggsFolly (
Date: December 03, 2013 07:54PM


What is httpd -X ???

Try httpd -h to see all the available options, I dont think -X is one of them

If I run httpd -X ... I get the same error, BECAUSE the APACHE SERVICE IS RUNNING !!!! and has already captured port 80. Nothing to do with AV or Firewall.

Please describe where you have placed your site
1. the folder structure,
2. are you using Vistual hosts

(Windows 10 Pro 64bit) (Wampserver 3.3.4 64bit) Aestan Tray Menu
<Apache versions MULTIPE> <PHP versions MULTIPLE> <MySQL Versions MULTIPLE>
<MariaDB versions MULTIPLE> <phpMyAdmin versions MULTIPLE> <MySQL Workbench 8.0.23>

Read The Manuals Apache -- MySQL -- PHP -- phpMyAdmin
Get your Apache/MySQL/mariaDB/PHP ADDONs here from the WAMPServer alternate Repo
-X-X-X- Backup your databases regularly Here is How dont regret it later! Yes even when developing -X-X-X-

Re: Computer crash on WAMP service termination
Posted by: rady (
Date: December 04, 2013 12:46AM

I saw the httpd -X on an Apache website. It's supposed to rat out apache in every detail. I suspected that apache already had port 80 opened, that's why I asked. Obviously I'm down to grasping at straws.

The wamp folder is is directly under C:\ i.e. C:\wamp\etc.

I am not using virtual hosts.

My website data shows up in C:\wamp\bin\apache2.2.22\data\riis. My database is named riis and the file was created from a backup by importing the backup with phpMyAdmin. (which works okay if I don't mess with apache - I have the main website hosted on GoDaddy.)

All other files are in the wamp folder where the installer put them.

Re: Computer crash on WAMP service termination
Posted by: RiggsFolly (
Date: December 04, 2013 01:25AM

Try putting your website into C:\wamp\www\riis as thats where the httpd.conf file has told apache to expect it.

DocumentRoot "c:/wamp/www/"

You can put many folders under the c;\wamp\www folder one for each site.

Of course its better to use Virtual Hosts but lets not run till we can walk.

(Windows 10 Pro 64bit) (Wampserver 3.3.4 64bit) Aestan Tray Menu
<Apache versions MULTIPE> <PHP versions MULTIPLE> <MySQL Versions MULTIPLE>
<MariaDB versions MULTIPLE> <phpMyAdmin versions MULTIPLE> <MySQL Workbench 8.0.23>

Read The Manuals Apache -- MySQL -- PHP -- phpMyAdmin
Get your Apache/MySQL/mariaDB/PHP ADDONs here from the WAMPServer alternate Repo
-X-X-X- Backup your databases regularly Here is How dont regret it later! Yes even when developing -X-X-X-

Re: Computer crash on WAMP service termination
Posted by: rady (
Date: December 04, 2013 02:14AM

Okay, the website itself uses a Drupal platform and is indeed located at C:\wamp\www\riis. The database is also called riis.sql and presently finds itself at C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.2.22\data\riis. Should the .sql file be somewhere else?

Re: Computer crash on WAMP service termination
Posted by: RiggsFolly (
Date: December 04, 2013 10:31AM

Yes. I assume its a MYISAM database, in which case it should be in


If you use phpMyAdmin to create the database and then restore your backup using phpMyAdmin as well it should place it there by default.

If the database is large it might blow the php runtime limit so you may need to do the following

Edit c:\wamp\alias\phpmyadmin.conf

and add these lines to it

<Directory "c:/wamp/apps/phpmyadmin3.5.1/">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride all
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from ::1 localhost

# add these to increase runtime limits
php_admin_value max_execution_time 360
php_admin_value max_input_time 360


Your <Directory "........"> line may be different dont change that.

(Windows 10 Pro 64bit) (Wampserver 3.3.4 64bit) Aestan Tray Menu
<Apache versions MULTIPE> <PHP versions MULTIPLE> <MySQL Versions MULTIPLE>
<MariaDB versions MULTIPLE> <phpMyAdmin versions MULTIPLE> <MySQL Workbench 8.0.23>

Read The Manuals Apache -- MySQL -- PHP -- phpMyAdmin
Get your Apache/MySQL/mariaDB/PHP ADDONs here from the WAMPServer alternate Repo
-X-X-X- Backup your databases regularly Here is How dont regret it later! Yes even when developing -X-X-X-

Re: Computer crash on WAMP service termination
Posted by: rady (
Date: December 04, 2013 04:45PM

The data file has been in the proper mysql location all along. Not sure how it also got into the apache location.

Made the changes to phpmyadmin.conf.

Wamp loads more or less normally (maybe a little slow, not sure). Still not able to exit wamp without blue screen crash. Enabling apache rewrite causes blue screen crash. Localhost home page comes up, riis home page comes up but all inputs to riis cause wamp to revert to the localhost home page.

No joy!!


Re: Computer crash on WAMP service termination
Posted by: rady (
Date: March 26, 2014 07:42PM

Okay, it's three months later and the problem persists.

Using Windows XP SP3
wampserver 2.2e-PHP5.3.13-httpd2/2/22_mysql5.5.24_32b
The icon is green
Have Hosts file with proper address for localhost
Localhost home page is displayed properly
PHPMyAdmin works properly

Home page of Drupal-based website displays properly

No additional pages of the website are accessible - clicking on hot spot returns to Localhost homepage

Apache rewrite module is not checked - any attempt to invoke Apache rewrite crashes computer to BSOD as does any attempt to stop any of the wamp services.

All elements of wampserver have been removed: (including VC++ redist 2008,2010 and 2012) registry cleaned, reboot and reinstall of all elements with same result on two different computers.

clearly, I'm doing something really stupid.

I've tried deactivating both Zone Alarm and AVG virus (though wampserver worked on this computer in years past with both of those running.

The only difference between previous operation and now is a new hard drive in both computers - I don't see how that could affect wamp operation.

Any ideas? I'm going mad.


Re: Computer crash on WAMP service termination
Posted by: rady (
Date: March 26, 2014 08:07PM

Here's a snippet from the Apache error log:

[Wed Mar 26 13:17:47 2014] [warn] pid file C:/wamp/bin/apache/apache2.2.22/logs/ overwritten -- Unclean shutdown of previous Apache run?
[Wed Mar 26 13:17:47 2014] [notice] Apache/2.2.22 (Win32) PHP/5.3.13 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Wed Mar 26 13:17:47 2014] [notice] Server built: May 13 2012 13:32:42
[Wed Mar 26 13:17:47 2014] [notice] Parent: Created child process 4964
[Wed Mar 26 13:17:47 2014] [notice] Child 4964: Child process is running
[Wed Mar 26 13:17:47 2014] [notice] Child 4964: Acquired the start mutex.
[Wed Mar 26 13:17:47 2014] [notice] Child 4964: Starting 64 worker threads.
[Wed Mar 26 13:17:47 2014] [notice] Child 4964: Starting thread to listen on port 80.

this is repeated each time the server crashes and restarts.

I have read on Apache websites that Apache can have troubles with multi-threads not closing properly. I'm not a programmer and don't understand the solutions offered, but wonder if that is what is happening here.


Re: Computer crash on WAMP service termination
Posted by: rady (
Date: March 26, 2014 08:14PM

And here's the relevant part of the mySQL error log:

140326 13:26:18 [Note] Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled.
140326 13:26:18 InnoDB: The InnoDB memory heap is disabled
140326 13:26:18 InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use Windows interlocked functions
140326 13:26:18 InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.3
140326 13:26:19 InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, size = 128.0M
140326 13:26:19 InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer pool
140326 13:26:19 InnoDB: highest supported file format is Barracuda.
InnoDB: The log sequence number in ibdata files does not match
InnoDB: the log sequence number in the ib_logfiles!
140326 13:26:19 InnoDB: Database was not shut down normally!
InnoDB: Starting crash recovery.
InnoDB: Reading tablespace information from the .ibd files...
InnoDB: Restoring possible half-written data pages from the doublewrite
InnoDB: buffer...
140326 13:26:19 InnoDB: Waiting for the background threads to start
140326 13:26:20 InnoDB: 1.1.8 started; log sequence number 1595675
140326 13:26:20 [Note] Recovering after a crash using mysql-bin
140326 13:26:20 [Note] Starting crash recovery...
140326 13:26:20 [Note] Crash recovery finished.
140326 13:26:20 [Note] Server hostname (bind-address): '(null)'; port: 3306
140326 13:26:20 [Note] - '(null)' resolves to '';
140326 13:26:20 [Note] Server socket created on IP: ''.
140326 13:26:20 [Note] Event Scheduler: Loaded 0 events
140326 13:26:20 [Note] wampmysqld: ready for connections.
Version: '5.5.24-log' socket: '' port: 3306 MySQL Community Server (GPL)

Re: Computer crash on WAMP service termination
Posted by: RiggsFolly (
Date: March 27, 2014 10:22AM

Is there anything more helpful in the System Event Log. Messages from either Apache or MySQL

(Windows 10 Pro 64bit) (Wampserver 3.3.4 64bit) Aestan Tray Menu
<Apache versions MULTIPE> <PHP versions MULTIPLE> <MySQL Versions MULTIPLE>
<MariaDB versions MULTIPLE> <phpMyAdmin versions MULTIPLE> <MySQL Workbench 8.0.23>

Read The Manuals Apache -- MySQL -- PHP -- phpMyAdmin
Get your Apache/MySQL/mariaDB/PHP ADDONs here from the WAMPServer alternate Repo
-X-X-X- Backup your databases regularly Here is How dont regret it later! Yes even when developing -X-X-X-

Re: Computer crash on WAMP service termination
Posted by: rady (
Date: March 27, 2014 05:22PM

Grasping at straws - -

When my hard drives crashed it was necessary to reinstall Windows including a new download of the service packs. Since in this instance Apache uses Windows to provide the MUTEX function, what are chances that my version of Windows is the problem? WAMP has not worked in either computer since the reinstall.

By now most users of WAMP must have migrated to more modern operating systems, so perhaps if this IS the problem, it is not common.



Re: Computer crash on WAMP service termination
Posted by: RiggsFolly (
Date: March 27, 2014 10:49PM

What service pack of XP are you running?

Half the world still uses XP so that in itself should not be the problem.

I am not promising anything but I can have a look with TeamViewer if you like :-

Install TeamViewer and I will troubleshoot for you.

Install TV, then run it.

Send me a Private Message containing the TV ID and PASSWORD so I can connect.
Leave TV running as it will change the password each time you restart it.

I am on UK time (GMT) and am normally available 09:00 - 16:00 and occasionally later into the evening if necessary

(Windows 10 Pro 64bit) (Wampserver 3.3.4 64bit) Aestan Tray Menu
<Apache versions MULTIPE> <PHP versions MULTIPLE> <MySQL Versions MULTIPLE>
<MariaDB versions MULTIPLE> <phpMyAdmin versions MULTIPLE> <MySQL Workbench 8.0.23>

Read The Manuals Apache -- MySQL -- PHP -- phpMyAdmin
Get your Apache/MySQL/mariaDB/PHP ADDONs here from the WAMPServer alternate Repo
-X-X-X- Backup your databases regularly Here is How dont regret it later! Yes even when developing -X-X-X-

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