Versions of software included with WAMP5 1.6.3
Posted by: Jeniveve (4.17.159.---)
Date: June 05, 2006 03:38PM

I am starting to research different WAMP servers to find one which closely mimics my production box and I have a few questions for anyone who knows the details.

First off, it appears that WAMP5 1.6.0 includes Apache 2.0.55 but the later version 1.6.3 seems to go back to Apache 1.3.31? Is this correct and if so, where can I find information as to why the later WAMP5 versions includes and earlier Apache version?

Secondly, the version of MySQL on my production box is 4.0.15 and WAMP5 1.6.3 uses version 5.0.18. Should I be concerned about this difference or is it OK to test in 5.0.18 and upload to 4.0.15?

Third, can anyone tell me what version of PERL is included in the WAMP5 1.6.3 add-on?

Thank you very much!



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Re: Versions of software included with WAMP5 1.6.3
Posted by: Jeniveve (4.17.159.---)
Date: June 06, 2006 08:54PM

No one can answer these questions about version? Come on folks someone must have at least an opinion.... Is it worth me downloading and using this product with the difference in versions on my server as posted above?

Any information, any at all, will be appreciated.

Thank you!



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