I was going to remove some privileges from a account in phpmyadmin, but I did remove the 'Grant' access on the root. I can't enable it, have try MySQL commands such as: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '****' WITH GRANT OPTION; how can I do so root have grant access again? I can't really do anything since I have no other accounts with grant access.
I think there is a solution - without any garanties of success
- Backup all wamp directory - Uninstall Wampserver - Restart - Install Wampserver The new directory "wamp/bin/mysql/mysql5.0.51b/data/mysql" is the mysql database that have the user root@localhost with no password and all GRANT privileges. These privileges are in the table nammed "user".
Two possibilities :
- 1 - Restore "wamp/www" content and "wamp/bin/mysql/mysql5.0.51b/data/" content but WITHOUT mysql/user.* files
- 2 a - Copy the new "wamp/bin/mysql/mysql5.0.51b/data/mysql/user.*" files to a safe location. - 2 b - Restore all the backup of Wamp over the present files - 2 c - Copy the saving user.* files in "wamp/bin/mysql/mysql5.0.51b/data/mysql/"
But you have to re-create all the users you had before.