i'm using dreamweaver cs6 and wampserver to create my project (i'm a bigenner) so hen i try to connect database to my code page it dosnt work "your php server doesn't have the mysql module loaded or you can't use the mysql_(p)connect functions" what can i do thanks!
> your php server doesn't have the mysql module loaded or you can't use the mysql_(p)connect functions"
La librairie mysql est obsolète depuis php 5.5 et est totalement supprimée avec PHP 7. Il faut utiliser la librairie mysqli. Voir [www.php.net]
Ce forum n'a pas pour but de déboguer les scripts PHP ou les requêtes SQL des utilisateurs de Wampserver. Et, si vous voulez poser des questions en anglais, il faut aller sur le forum anglophone.
The mysql library is obsolete since php 5.5 and is totally removed with PHP 7, so you have to use the mysqli library. See [www.php.net]
This forum is not intended to debug PHP scripts or SQL queries from Wampserver users. And, if you want to ask questions in English, you have to go to the English forum.